Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Silly Fellas..

Never a dull moment in our home. Especially when you have twin fellas who are out going, and love to play jokes and scare the crap out of each other. If you were to ever stop by our house, I can guarantee you will be made to laugh! After all LAUGHTER is it the best medicine for the soul.

So don’t be fuddy duds.
Don’t take life so serious!
Have fun, and learn to laugh at yourself!
Here is a good example!

The other night, Cameron made us dinner. He makes the best pancakes, and Jazz and I were not feeling well, so I asked him to cook.

He was starting to clean up, and he asked me if Aaron was still on “Dishes Duty” since he was grounded. And I said, yep he sure is. Well Cameron, thought it would be funny to rig the sprayer at the sink to get Aaron when he turned the water on. Well, My Cameron is my “special” child. He is super smart, but sometimes forgets important details. He has been told, he is not allowed to ever leave the house alone. Anyways… After he rigged the sprayer, 3 seconds later, he went to wash a bowl out, forgetting about the sprayer being rigged, and freaked out when the sprayer got him in the chest! Yep! We all got a good laugh. Again I say, never a dull moment in our home! 
My Fellas grew up to be handsome young men.

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