Monday, September 29, 2014

Why ya gotta be so rude?

One of the many things I admire about my husband is that he can say hi and carry a conversation on with complete strangers. Yes annoying at times, but thankfully 3 out of 4 of my kids have this trait.
 On my good days I like to think that I am pretty easy going and a fun loving person. I know like everyone else I can be pretty darn grumpy.  It takes me a bit to get out of my comfort zone, and when I am feeling friendly and I say hi to someone and they ignore me whether on purpose or because they did not see me I get my feelings hurt. And I spend the rest of my day pondering and over thinking what I could of done to make someone mad. Mad enough to ignore me. Of course my husband thinks I over think things and ask me why I put so much thought and feelings into how someone treats me or thinks about me. He makes great points of course, but  in my mind I can’t explain it, but I just know how it makes me feel. I struggle with that, because I do care what people say or think about me.
 I say all that, to tell yall one of my biggest pet peeves is when you are fb friends with someone, and yall go to same places, whether it be church, kids practices, games etc. And you see those “fb friends” and you smile or say hi and they completely blow you off and ignore you. I mean why?! What does a person get out of that? A grown person! 
Again, I understand we all have bad days, and yes I know there are those chances that you were not seen. But, I know when I am seen and when I am being ignored.  I have to ask are we back in Middle School? How can I tell my daughter not to let certain people bother or get to her, when “me” myself still struggles with it.? Does it really take too much effort for people to just be kind to each other? I honestly don’t think people really understand how much a wave, smile, or a simple hello can mean to a person. Just imagine what a hug can do?!  I find myself blogging about this in hopes that if you are reading this, YOU will stop and think and just be a little extra friendly today. The world needs some kindness these days.. And remember the little people are watching, and will learn how to treat people by what they see you do.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Make It Fit...

Little People are just precious in my eyes.. They are still learning each day, and the way their minds think are just brilliant.. The other day a couple of the toddlers combined two different puzzles together.. SO one of them was trying to put a hippo where the rain boots needed to go. He turned it and smashed it and flipped it and was getting frustrated because he could not get it to fit. I kept trying to explain to him that it was the wrong puzzle and showing him that it belonged on this board. And he looked at me like I was strange and clueless and just kept trying again to force it to fit. So I started putting all the pieces together in the other puzzle so he could see that his piece is what I needed to complete it. Once he saw that he had the piece I needed he ran to me and put his hippo in, and we clapped our hands and said YEAH you did it!
I honestly think we as adults do this in our daily life.. We try to make certain things and people fit in our lives where they don’t belong. God is showing us he has something better for us. But we just constantly twist and flip and shove and make excuses as to why we don’t want to let things go. Convincing ourselves that they do fit, they just have to.  But when you are spending so much time defending yourself and convincing other people of your actions, than its time to let go and let God. It should not be so hard to be happy and to have people in your life who love you, all of you.. Just stop, listen, pray and you will see the Big Plan he has for you. And the feeling of peace will overtake the hurt and life will be back on track for you.. You can be nice and kind to everyone, because that is what we are told to be, but pick your close relationships carefully..
 Living and Learning.. Just Saying..

Ephesians 4: 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Welcome to My Life..