Wednesday, March 22, 2023

If I had Only Known..

 If I had known what I know now,..

If I could write a letter to that exhausted young mommy. I would tell her to just take that dang nap with them, that the laundry and dishes can wait.

If I could give her a heads up to not stress about how everyone was trying to tell you what was best. To just go with your mommy gut, that they would potty train easily enough. 

That that one fella would finally quit sucking his thumb. That the blankie would eventually not be needed and that unfortunately they would quit holding hands in public.

If I could let her know, that yes there would be trips to the emergency room because they are rowdy boys. But they would be fine, and have scars to tell and laugh at such crazy stories.

If I could let her know during those teen years, that those stinky teen boys would grow up into the best polite and respectful young men.. and eventually love showers. 

If I had known, that those years of getting all those duckies up every Sunday and taking them to church even when their dad was working so I had to do it alone. That it will set them up for a great foundation with Jesus. Whom they seek daily. Life changing momma, life changing..

If I could let that mommy know that even though her heart was so sad when she dropped them off at College 6 hours away, that they are going to be responsible and make some amazing life time friends and of course that great education to help them be successful in their lives.

If I could tell her that yes those 4 kids are gonna bicker and annoy each other like crazy, but when they all grow up they will cheer, encourage and love each other with all their beings.

If I could tell that momma that those years and years of praying over their future and their relationships. That they would be surrounded by not only great friendships, but they would find some amazing women to love them too. And whom they would love back. Healthy and happy relationships. Growing our beautiful family. 

Oh if I could tell that momma, that those boys who were her everything at such a young age.

The ones who grew up with her in this crazy life.

 That those boys.. yes those twin handsome and smart fellas, even though they are all grown.. are still gonna love their momma.

If I had known what I know now, that 26 years of being their momma, has been one of my greatest blessings and has brought me an abundance of love and joy. One proud momma..

Happy Birthday To My Twin Fellas.. 
Love Always
Your Momma

Welcome to My Life..