Monday, August 9, 2021

Just Show Up!


Here it is, Sunday late at night after celebrating my Birthday all weekend. It was a fun filled weekend surrounded by my favorite people. They loved me so well and it is what my heart needed.

 My mind is racing now, because my baby goes back to college in the morning and will not be back home for a while. I have said it before and will say it again, it just does not get easier.

My sweetest hello and my hardest good-bye.

But I am so stinking proud of her.


So here I am, my forties sailing by quickly it seems. And with age comes lots of wisdom. (I hope)..

I think if I have learned anything in life so far. That one of the most important things you can do for yourself and the ones you do life with is “SHOW UP”.. And it is hard, I get it. Life is busy and it seems like there is always something going on. I have tried my best to teach my children, that your word is very important. When you say you are going to do something, then do it.

 Don’t cancel...

 Don’t back out...

Don’t let your anxiety get the best of you that you cancel at the last minute. 

Don’t let your laziness make you look bad. 

Because it will, it will make you look bad and it will hurt people. Even if that is not your intentions.

 Trust me, I would rather stay home and cuddle with my hubby on the couch and binge watch our shows. But, because we love people and cherish our relationships, we show up.

 And we are not perfect, we have missed some things. But we are living and learning. 

If I look back, I remember who all has been there...

I remember who was there for my kids B-days, games, graduations. 

I remember who attended my grandparents funerals, who sat with me in my darkest days.

 I realize who text and checks on me, who prays for me and loves me. 

I see who is cheering me on and clapping for me and my family. 

I have people who are back in my life, after seasons changed. And I am so excited about that.

So please oh please let this be an encouragement...

When you say you are going to go to something, Go! 

If you volunteer at church and say you are going to teach or serve, Go!

If your friend is having Bunco, or B-Day ,Coffee Courage, Baby shower, Wedding or a show because she is crafty, and you said you would attend. GO! 

If you made plans to go to the movies or to dinner, GO! 

Sit with them at the funerals, cook them a meal when they have surgery..

 Just be there.

You just don’t realize how we all need that support, you don’t realize how encouraging it is to see your people show up for you over and over again.

Now please hear my heart, I know that things come up. And no one is perfect. That life does happen.

If you are having any kind of symptoms, stay home. These days, what we thought was allergies or head cold can be the rona. So please stay home.

One of my best friends does not do large gatherings because she has a brand new grandbaby, I get it. I would do anything to protect my babies too.

Some family and friends have an autoimmune disease that can cause havoc if they are exposed to anything, so I get it.

But, with that…

 Let me also encourage you not to live in fear. Plead the blood of Jesus over you and your babies, do  not allow the fear mongers or social media to cause you to live in constant fear. Take care of your body, take your supplements and go out there and live life. Go to church and get your faith tank re-filled.

But please use common sense.

For me, I know that we will all be called to heaven one day. And no one knows when that will be. But I would rather live life to the fullest, celebrating my people, instead of staying home by myself living in fear and dying alone.

But that is me, and my personal opinion.

And I will be the first to admit that some days I miss it. But I never claimed to be perfect. 

I just wanna be known for how I love my people. I want people to say, Amanda loved me and she loved me well. I want to be a walking, talking, example of how to be like Jesus..

Welcome to My Life..