Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No More Excuses!!

Yep, that is what conclusion I have come to this week. I have mentioned that my family has been at the same church for almost 7 years this June.
 I may have mentioned my struggle with getting out of my “comfort zone” and meeting people.
I may have even mentioned that I found it hard to develop relationships there at church.
Of course I blamed it on everyone else but, me..
Because in my mind I felt people should come talk to me, you know, cause I am way more important!! Lol (Don’t judge, I am a work in progress..)
So, most of the ladies that I did know about, had this group called “Real Women” who met every Tuesday morning. I have to admit, when I heard about the fun stuff they did, and saw pictures of outings, I always felt that I just did not belong, because I had to work every day..
I struggled with this, and had many talks with God about why I had such a hard time fitting in. My excuse was cause of work, and them having it during the day..
So I convinced myself that I was just not “Real Women” material, and just went on with my bad attitude. Than of course new people came to our church, and I got more involved in stuff, and started feeling part of things. Started getting comfy being outside my bubble.
Than Guess what!
 I see that they are going to have Tuesday Evening classes for Real Women..

Next excuse was “Well, Trav works nights, so I still won’t be able to attend”.
Of course shortly after, Trav get’s day job, and guess which days he is off?? Yep Tuesday!
So, than I find out it is starting in February, and so now I think of a new excuse.
 “Ohh God, I would love to go, but I don’t know “those” women, and I am too scared to go alone”..
So, I mention this to some ladies, and I find out, the women that I do know are going to attend, AND two of my friends from Boyd want to join me..
Yep! I finally had to say OK GOD, I get it, no more excuses, I am going to “Real Women”!!
And so last night was the orientation, and Oh My! It was so much fun! There was not an opportunity to be shy, or worry about not fitting in. I met new people; I talked with people I have known for years.
We laughed, did a “speed dating” kind of thing to talk to 15 women for 2 minutes each.
We wore mustaches and glasses as we ran thru the church looking for clues..
It was wonderful, and I am so super excited about the next 10 wks!
 AND when I got home, Trav and my boys let me know how proud they are of me, for getting outside my bubble.
 It’s official people!
I am now a “Real Woman”..

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