Friday, February 17, 2012

But, I Don't Wanna!

We seem to be in the middle of a new season in our lives.
Constantly on the go, but I am loving it.

I have mentioned in past blogs, the comfort of my bubble.
Over the last 5 years, I seem to have taken baby steps, and changed in some areas in my life. With my Bad attitude and a bad case of the "I Don't Wanna's!"
One area that I have always struggled with, is what “My True Gifting” were.. I must admit I had my doubts that I was given any true gifts to reach and minister to people. Being the big people pleaser that I am, kind of interferes with me NOT being a friendly people person. But, in the last 3 months, changes have started, and let me tell you. Ready or not, God is doing some amazing things in my life, and in the lives of the people around me.
I mentioned how I joined the Real Women Bible study group at my church. We are in week two, and Oh My Goodness, I am being blown away.! We are studying the Life of Jonah, and how he ran from God. When reading the book, and comparing it to my life. It is like a big slap in the face, of what I am dealing with right now in my life. It seems, I am going to have to deal with so much. Starting with the way I see myself, and my insecurities. Do you know, I struggle with accepting compliments? I mean seriously. How hard is it to just say “Thank You”?! When my sweet friends compliment me, I feel the need to put myself down. The look on their faces, always make me laugh. Makes me uncomfortable.
If only we could all see ourselves the way that God and other people see us. Yes, we are our biggest critic. And I think it is what distracts us, from finding the calling on our lives. Please know that those distractions are not from God. I encourage all my blog followers, to dig deep. What are the true desires of your heart? What are your true passions? They were given to you for a reason.

Believe in your self, and learn to take compliments with an open heart and gratitude. Take the time to also build others up around you. Tell people, what you admire in them. I have to admit, if it was not for my sweet friends that God has brought into my life, I would still be running, and I would not have come so far, and would still be clueless as to how God is using me and My True Gifting.

SO put your running shoes away. It is time..

Psalms 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord: and He will give you the desires of your heart…

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