Friday, October 12, 2012

The ROOT of it all...

Rooting It Out is the name of this chapter..
It covered so much information, and it took me a couple of times of reading and re-reading it so that I could let it sink in..
It talks about the root to our insecurity. The things that we have experienced in our up bringing and daily lives that makes us feel the way we do..
Points she shared..
Life is rough. It’s also beautiful but if we can’t get some respite from its cruelty, we will never have the healthy vision to savor its tender beauty.
Than she shares a scripture in Proverbs..
“Each heart knows its own bitterness” The more intense the pain the more it feels like nobody fully understands. Try as I might I can’t fully comprehend how a particular event affected your life, even if we both shared the same experience. Your personality and history shapes your response, just as my own unique background affects mine. We’d go only so far in one another’s shoes before laces came loose.
During particularly lonely or frustrating times, perhaps you, like me, have felt that nobody else gets it. But HE gets it better than we do..
She list the different things that we could of experienced like:
Instability in the home...

Significant Loss...


Dramatic Change...

Personal Disposition...
I dont know about you, but I for one can say yes to about half of those.
Here is a journey into my little mind and life..
My real dad was an alcoholic, and so he and my mom divorced when I was about 3 years old. He slowly stopped being a part of my life, and when I was finally old enough to use the phone and write him. I was always the one to chase after him, and just hope that he would take the time to talk to me on the phone and or respond to my letters. At such a young age I just wanted to be convinced that he still cared and loved me. I grew up doing this, even though he really did not show interest in being a part of my life. I really believed for years, that I was just not good enough for him to love me like he should of loved me. Now, as an adult and a mother, and many great sermons that I have heard, and a mighty God we serve, I have forgiven him for this, I now have a some what good relationship with my real dad, and don’t hold a grudge against him anymore.

But, I have learned that because of how he made me feel, that in my other relationships, I am the one feeling the need to chase after them, and constantly looking for any attention they will throw my way.. And why I take it so personal when I think or know when someone is ignoring me or upset with me. I know it sounds horrible but, basically I want all the attention, when realistically it cannot be just about me. Darn that sharing!!

Beth Moore says that all the things she listed are in many ways, scars on the soul left by hardships,. Insecurity that results from the way we’ve coped rather than healed.

The good news is readers, is God knows! Beth shares this last thing..

He does not take lightly that some of us were raised in a veritable madhouse. He does not take lightly that some of us have been mentally berated or physically beaten or sexually abused or simply abandoned.

God will wipe away every tear from the eyes of those who trust Him, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things will pass away and all our hardships will be finished..

Again, “Now that is Refreshing”…
So be kind people, you really have no idea what a person has or is going thru in life..

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