Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So It Continues....

So, I am behind on my blogging and my reading. I have to tell on myself and admit I have not been to the last Bible Studies, but I have not quit.. I am still reading and going strong!
I will see you there Chella, I promise!

The next couple of chapters cover a variety of topics.. After we discovered what the Root of our insecurities have been. We move on to the next topics..

Like our EGO and PRIDE..

The following things are what Beth Moore shared on these Topics..

She talks about how we set ourselves up for failure. We need to learn what we can handle and what we can’t. There is a volume of wisdom in knowing the difference.

She also says that sometimes people and situations make us feel insecure because they nick our pride, plain and simple. Just because pride fills a heart doesn’t keep it from breaking. It just keeps it from healing. AND Some need to come to the conclusion that we have no greater burden in all of life than our own inflated egos. No outside force has the power to betray and mislead us the way our own egos do. That Pride talks us out of forgiving and steers us away from risking. Pride cheats us of intimacy, because intimacy requires transparency. Pride is a slave driver like no other, and if it can’t drive us to destruction, it will drive us to distraction.

Than she talks about how insecurities can makes us act like total fools..

Not only can insecurity talk us into disastrous relationships, it can talk us out of great ones. And it can make us panic and act like freaks..

Heard another good message the other day.. One of the things that was said and stuck out to me is “We” put so much time, thought and work into how to treat our enemies.
Like avoiding them when we know they are going to be at the same place. So we don’t talk to them and we do Not making eye contact, and than (I) WE stay up all night upset because of it all. When how much easier would it be if we were just kind to them and just decided to love them anyways..? Swallowing your pride, and just know they are human and make mistakes, but God created them too, and loves them just like he loves us. You don’t have to be BFF, but you don’t have to act like a donkey either..
We talk about how horrible it is for young kids and teens to deal with being bullied, yet, we see grown adults do it, and we don’t say a thing about it. Seriously!

I grew up seeing pride tear relationships up.
Just because one person that we loved was mad at someone, than we all had to be mad at that person. I was taught that if a person did not come up and talk to me, than that person was rude. But yet I am not rude for not going up and talking to that person? Oh it gets better, how about the person who is skinny and confident,? I was taught that person was just a hooch or that they think their poop does not stink.. I grew up seeing that when someone hurt your feelings, you picked up the phone for a “woe is me party” and talked about that person to someone else. And you never even tell the person what they did and give them the chance to make it better or at least let them know you are mad at them.

And how about the times when we over react because we think we are being ignored by our spouse? Have you ever sent ugly texts, and nasty voicemails and blew some one’s phone up because you thought you were being ignored on purpose.? Only to find out they left their phone in the car or were in a meeting. And how about when you think your significant other was checking another lovely lady out. Oh my I have seen and done some doozies when it came to stuff like that....
I am ashamed to admit that I behaved that way, and that I thought it was ok. I was judgmental, and rude and ugly to people for no reason but my own ego and pride.

 I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted.. I know I cannot change over night, and it won’t be easy.. But, if we would just give it all to God.. If we would repent, and ask God to change our heart and show you where you need to change. Life could be so much more enjoyable..

We need to let God shovel us out of Insecurity, because without Him, we’re stuck..

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