Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Bible Study, Take 3.. ACTION!

If you have followed me on FB lately, you will see that that I have been making comments and posts about a new Bible Series I actually am attempting to follow.

I have had a few friends message me and ask what book it is. So I figure why not use my Blog to let people know..
It’s a Bible Book Series by Beth Moore Called “So Long Insecurity”..

Now, let me be the first to confess, my insecurities that I have are not healthy.. I am talking someone needs to put me in “Hug myself jacket” type of not healthy..

And I will admit that I started this class with the insecurity that I was insecure that I needed to attend..=0)

Now blog followers, let me tell you.. If I had not invited people to join me, and actually pick them up to take them, I would have backed out. You see, this is the 3rd Bible Study I am attempting. I started two others before this, and I quit them.. And I beat myself up for quitting. Yeah, schedules with the kids sporting events always conflicts, but I admit I quit..

But this time, it peaked my interest. And I have only read the first 3 chapters of the book and study guide, and I already know that I am more insecure than I thought I was to begin with. AND I know it is why I have struggled in all my relationships, from marriage, to family to my best friends.

BUT!! I am learning that Insecurity is curable!!

The following are from this book, that screamed out at me!! And I want to share..

“I want some soul-deep security drawn from a source that never runs dry and never disparages us from requiring it. We need a place we can go, when as much as we loathe it, we are needy and hysterical. I don’t know about you, but I need someone who will love me when I hate myself. And yes, someone who will love me again and again until I kiss the terrestrial sod good-bye..”

“Life is too hard and the worlds too mean for many of us to grasp a lofty sense of acceptance, approval, and affirmation early on and keep hold of it the rest of our lives..Come what may…Circumstances abruptly change, and setbacks happen. Relationships unexpectedly end. Or, just as cataclysmically, begin. School change, Friends change. Jobs change. Offenses happen. Betrayals happen, Tragedies happen. Engagements end. Marriages begin. Kids come. Kids go. Health wanes. Seasons change.”

As if the battle isn’t hard enough, we sabotage ourselves,..

There you go! I am diving in and hoping to make it thru this one..
So get ready blog followers, this is going to be an interesting roller coaster ride..


  1. Alright. I'm not going to drive to attend the bible study but I will buy the book. It sounds too good. Thanks for sharing. xoxo

    1. Crystil.. As much as I would love for you to drive to this study, I think you will still enjoy the book.. By the way, you totally rock! Thank you for your kindness, encouraging words and your friendship.. You and your sister and mother are a true blessing to me..


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