Friday, September 7, 2012

Guest Blogger.. " The Gang in Life"

Someone very dear & close to me has started writing. I read this, and asked this person to be a guest blogger on my blog. This person agreed, but wants to remain anonymous. This is a little deep, personal, and long, but I think a very good read. Enjoy!

The Gang in Life
Been thinking about writing for my own personal therapy. I know this will sound like rambling and I will probably jump around. But let’s talk about the things we endure in life.
Some of these bad, and some not so bad.

The first is “Insecurity” It is the first of the gang you have to watch. He’s is not the leader, but the lackey of them all. He sneaks in and causes us to think things that 9 out of 10 times are not true. He’s small but gets the ball rolling down hill. It starts slow but gains speed quickly. He will get you thinking things like “He does not love me” “He does not think I am pretty” “He does not want me”. He starts getting you down and ruins your self esteem. He tears down your walls and makes you vulnerable. He sets you for his partner.
His name “Manipulation”..

Manipulation see’s an opening and jumps right in. It knows your down and has to move quickly. It steps in and makes you think he is everything you need. He leads you into places you would never go before. He will talk to you about what troubles you and act like he cares. All the while having ulterior motives. He will make you think he is what you need. Pretends to care for what hurts you. He will make you forget about those who are important. He will falsely make you feel good. He will make you think he is ok and your deserve him, even if it is wrong.
He leads you to his friend Deception”..

Deception is one bad fella! He is one of the top guys in the Gang. He leads you to do the things manipulation has put in your mind. He teaches you to be deceitful. He shows you how to go behind the ones who care the most, to make you feel better. He makes you think what you are about to do is ok, and you deserve it. He makes you forget about the ones who Love You! He makes you not care who you hurt. He prepares you for the next member.
His name is Betrayal”!

Betrayal is the biggest Bad A of the Gang! He takes you on the final journey. He helps you cross that line you have preached about to others. He convinces you to throw away everything that has ever mattered. Spouse, Family, Friends, Children. None of them matter at this point. It becomes all about you. It does not matter who you are hurting, or who loves you. He tells you all the right things, uses you as long as you let him. And does not care. He put you in a position that believe me will not turn out well for you in the end.
Now some think that Deception and Betrayal are the same. They are close but completely different. You see Deception is brutal; it beats you and slices you a little. It leaves scars you will never forget. Betrayal though is a double edge sword. It cuts going in and it cuts coming out. It than rips out everything that was good and that you cared about. It leaves a hole in you that is empty and dark. It leaves you emotionless. Takes away your ability to smile and function normally. The hole it makes is huge and does not scab over and heal. It takes away happiness and causes gaps between you and the ones who matter. He is the leader of the gang and one tough song of a gun. Few have tangled with him and won nothing back. Beware of the gang. You run with them, and you will not like what you have become!

After some time, when you least expect it. You find that there is more to the story. Even more characters to the Gang. After the Gang has attached, all seems lost. But, there is a Hero. He is tough, emotional, hard and caring. And yes if used correctly, way tougher than any of the Son of a Guns I have mentioned. His name is “Love”..

If you let him, he can heal your wounds. He can overcome what has beaten you down. He can be your shield. He can rebuild what you were. He can restore your ripped out heart and make it anew. If this seems impossible, it is not. You see, Love is a super hero. It is obvious. GOD is LOVE.. This is what makes love Unbeatable. God is almighty and he loves you. If you turn to him, all can be repaired. Now love has an accomplice.

It’s FORGIVENESS. He is hard to accept, but very necessary. Forgiveness does not come easy; we believe it must be earned. But Love (God) says it should come easy. Just ask and you shall receive says God. Trust in him and turn to him and all things shall be taken care of. You have to quit fighting yourself and what hurt you. Give it all a chance and trust. LOVE (God) can fix it and forgiveness will be there. You just have to get to know him..

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