Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Quick! Take a look out the window; do you see any pigs flying?!!

I am FINALLY “slowly” learning in life that having a big mouth is not always necessary.

I always have been the person, who felt the need to tell my opinion, and always feeling the need to be brutally honest. Yes, it has bit me in the buttocks a few times, because not everyone really likes brutal honesty. But there are a few people in my life that have accepted this flaw about me. I will even say, I am the one they come to, because they know they will not get BS from me..

But, I ALSo have always been the person who over shared. Of course not just with anyone. I have a hand full of women in my life that I share my life stories with.But only one person who knows everything about me. From my greatest fears, biggest mistakes, and the daily challenges I experience and battle, and the ugly truth about ME.

Recently, I heard a sermon, and read a blog about what comes out of our mouth. And I think it really ministered to me, cause of how I over share. I whine and complain about my husband, kids, family drama, friends, money, etc.. But than at night, I would pray and thank God for everyone and everything in my life. And it made me realize I was being wishy washy. How can I thank God for all these wonderful things in my life, but yet complain and whine about them all day!? Kind of jacked up if you ask me! So, I put myself in time out. I started re-evaluating my life. I looked at how I treat people and the words that came out of my mouth towards those people. Especially the ones who I love with all my heart, it did not take long for me to ask myself “Amanda! Who the hell do you think you are”! sigh..

I asked myself, how it would make me feel, if I found out that the people who I love, complained and talked about me to their friends. Or how about these people telling other people about my greatest failures and weaknesses and my daily struggles. I would be heart broken. Of course we say that we are just venting. Which in all honesty, I think there is a time for that. To just unload on someone, when you are about to fall apart. But don’t use that as an excuse to gossip, or put people down. Or to make you feel better about yourself.

So during my “time out” I have "almost" quit sharing all my problems with those “ladies” in my life. And I have realized that it has made a difference in my daily life. Cause I don’t find myself concentrating on the “problem” which allows me to have an open mind and time with God about how to deal with that “problem”.. And it doesn’t take me long to realize, that what I thought was a mountain is only a small grain of salt after all..

I will leave ya with this..

Had a pastor once tell us, that we should never talk about the bad in our spouses and children, but only lift them up in front of people. I always laughed at this, because it was part of my daily routine to “jokingly” put my husband down, especially in front of my family and his friends.. Never considering that he never laughed..Years of that kind of stuff, can build a wall.
Something that no marriage or any relationship really needs.

So, remember.. Only use words that edify and build someone up, if you have any doubts, than it is probably best to keep your mouth shut..

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. I know we both talked about this some the other day and I have done just as you talk about, talking less, and it has made a big difference in my marriage and life. I use to complain all the time about your brother and didn't realize what I was actually doing. Now that I've kept my mouth shut and left my "issues" to us and God things have been so much better, funny how that works huh? Sadly I did this though just because I found out that there aren’t many people out there that you can trust anymore, but when I see you point it out this way I realize how me not complaining has made a wonderful transformation.


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