Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Men Are Clueless..

Being married for over 15 years, Trav and I have many stories to share. We enjoy getting together with a couple of our friends, and exchange stories, about stuff we have struggled with in the past. We always get a good laugh, when I know that at the time, we both or maybe I should say “I” was pretty upset. The good thing is, most of “our” fights are over stupid petty things, and I am very grateful for that. And it is pure greatness that we are able to laugh about it now. But, ladies I think that we give our husbands too much I know that sounds horrible but let me explain..

Trav always tells me, that women and men are just wired different. Women (in my experience) can go from one thought to the next 50 in a matter of seconds. After a disagreement, I find myself wondering and thinking and convincing myself what Trav thinks in his mind, and in a matter of seconds I have myself convinced that he is extremely mad or disappointed in me. Especially when he is quiet, and yet, when I ask him, what he is thinking of or shall I say “nag” him over and over to tell me what he is thinking of. It ends up being, if thinks he can download some app onto the computer or his phone! Or if the chili we had for the Frito pie is what is giving him heart burn..!!! Or better yet, who is that dang guy who sings “Red Solo Cup”..

Recently, I picked a fight, and got my feelings hurt. But this time, I actually kept my mouth shut, and actually thought about what the real problem was. And I had to eat crow, and tell Trav, that I was in the wrong and he was right.. Let me share..

Trav is a geek, He loves computers, and phones.. He recently got an I-Phone, and he loves that thing, he is always on it, downloading apps and stuff. Well he downloaded this app that you can take pictures, and put your friend’s faces onto several different bodies. He thought it was just so funny, and was showing us all different people on his phone,. He had his face on a big buff body, and had the twins all built also. So, being the team player that I am, I had this idea to put my face on this gorgeous beach body that was wearing a bikini. So he does it, and we got a good laugh. So I went about my business, and Trav stayed and played on his phone the rest of the night, so than when I see him later, he shows me picture after picture, of my face on all the hot bodies! Mostly blondes, with perky boobage and flat tummies. He was laughing, and I was steaming mad! Of course he is clueless that he has now hurt my feelings. And by the end of the night, I have myself completely convinced that he thinks my hair color and body is not attractive. So, of course I get cold and quiet and start pouting. Yet, Trav is still taking pictures and has put Jazzy’s face on the little girl named Boo from Monsters Ink, and has the boys on some WWE wrestlers. He and the kids are giggling non stop.

Do you see how I allowed something so stupid and petty to ruin the night? How was he supposed to know it would bother me, if just 30 minutes ago, I was telling him to do it and laughing.?
You see “Husbands” are really simple minded creatures, and we need to consider that, when we allow our minds to wander off alone.

I am VERY thankful that my husband knows that my mind takes many trips, and he loves me anyways.

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