Thursday, March 22, 2018

Twenty One?!!

Umm People..

 Who let my Babies grow the heck up?..

How in the world are my itty bitty baby twin boys Twenty One?!

Oh how this Momma is so sad yet so proud and excited for these guys.

Yes I know, I am always bragging about them, and most are probably tired of hearing about how amazing I think they are.

But you have to understand that the odds against these Twin Fellas were pretty big.

You see 21 years ago I lied and told my doctor as I was in the hospital bed very pregnant that I was feeling fine, even though my lungs were filling with fluid from Toxemia. Couple hours later as I was gasping for air, my doctor came in and with a push of a button all these nurses came running in and hooking me up to all kinds of things and loaded me onto a helicopter for a nice ride downtown Fort Worth. The sonogram person had told me that these babies were too tiny and if they came now, they would have all kinds of issues. Which included not being able to breathe on their own. And learning disabilities all their life. Not to mention that Momma here for lying to the dr could have long term effects including seizures for the rest of my life or death. But I did not care, I wanted to keep them cooking a little longer, and I begged Trav to choose these babies over me.


This folks is when my Faith was tested and I learned that God answers heartfelt prayers. 
And how powerful a Mommas Prayers are!

These boys were born and the best thing a momma could hear was the sound of those sweet cries. 

Breathing on their own. 

Strong and Healthy.. 

Tiny but Mighty!

And the rest is History..
This is what a sleep deprived 18 year old mommy looks like.

Look at them now, about to complete their junior year of College in the top of their Acct Class.
They are kind, compassionate, good looking, and smart and know how to work a room.
And have the best bond as best friends then anyone I know.

Aaron and Cameron oh how your dad and I are so proud of you both. 
God sure poured on the Blessings when he allowed us to be your parents. 
Thank you both for being so good to us, for going easy on me and allowing me to mother yall so much. I pray this is the best year yet and that you reach and surpass all the goals before you.

Happy 21st Birthday to my handsome Twin Fellas!!
Love Always

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