Monday, December 11, 2017

A Very Hammett Christmas Over the Years..

The Holidays stress me out. 
They always have. I dislike that part about myself..
So what do I do when I stress out?
 I blog and share my heart and of course take a trip down memory lane with my pics.

When Trav and I started our own little family, we quickly learned that both sides of the families celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas on the exact same days and time.
After a few years of running around with our little babies like chickens with our heads cut off we quickly learned we had to come up with a plan.
So we decided to switch it up each year and spend Thanksgiving with one side and Christmas Eve with the other.
Of course we would stop and visit with the other on Christmas Day. And switch it the next year. 

Over the last 20 years it has worked.
Not everyone was happy about it, but we had to do what was best for our little growing family.

But we both knew that as our family got older and started having a family of their own that things would change again.
I had a talk with one of my sister in laws a couple years ago and we talked about this.
How when it was that time we would go out of our way to do what is best for our own little families.
We said we would not add the stress of the holidays to our children.

Because let’s be honest, stress and anxiety sucks.
But they would come first.
We would be fair and if we had to move the days around we would just so that we know we get to see them each holiday.
 This Thanksgiving since Trav’s family held it later than normal, we had our first Official Hammett Thanksgiving at our house. We really enjoyed doing it and we have decided to continue that tradition.

And this year for Christmas, is the first year we have to officially share Ciera. And because it does not work with my side of the family it looks like we will get to have our first official Hammett Christmas at our house with all of our kiddos.

This new season has not been easy, but I think it will be a good beginning of the many things to come for our little growing family.

But what is most important to my heart, is that my children never feel left out or unloved. 
That yes, traditions are nice but being able to see everyone is what matters most to me.
  And as they each get married and have their own little families we will all work together to make it work.

Trav and I have tried our best to take what we liked and did not like about our childhood and instead of using it as an excuse to be jerks, we choose to learn from it and make it better for our children. We don’t ever claim to be perfect, we have made our mistakes, but we have learned and grown from them. 
That is why we have always been so involved with them growing up and playing sports etc. 
Cheering them on and traveling all over to support them..
We have been judged many times for this, but we have no regrets.
 It shaped our kiddos into awesome, kind, compassionate and successful young people.
Let’s be honest this world does not need more arseholes.

And we have made many memories for us. Some that we like to talk and laugh about.

And although Trav and I love our families dearly, and are there for them when we are needed.
We have also learned that there are some people who are near and dear to our hearts. That family is not only all about blood related people, but those that have chosen to celebrate life with us. The ones who were there at sporting events, BBQs, birthdays, awards ceremonies and who have come to meet and celebrate our first grandbaby.
 The ones who call on us for some family dinners with and without kids. 
Who have invited us into their homes for many fun get togethers. 

Those are the real examples of celebrating life with us. You know who you are. 
And we treasure those relationships greatly. 

So I say all this to say to my faithful blog readers.

To stop and think about the stress you are putting on your children over the holidays. 
Be fair and understanding and just love them and support them. Speak Life into them. Don't be in strife with them and cause them heartache. 

Let’s all try and remember the real meaning of what Christmas is.
Life is already hard out there in this cruel world. Don’t add to it. 
Thank you for reading my thoughts and for allowing me to share my heart. I pray that this ministers to you, and that you are able to have a Very Merry Christmas with the people you love. 

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