Tuesday, March 21, 2017

That "We were not meant to Journey Alone" and other things Post..

My head and heart are all over the place lately..
I have to admit that 2017 has not been too kind. 
My pants can tell ya that I have been eating my stress in chocolate, tacos and cokes.
Just when things were going smoothly, life came in and punched me smack in the face and took off running.
If you know me and my organized world, you know I am struggling to figure things out. Even though some may think I am over reacting about all the changes, I feel like my little world was shaken a bit. 

But, I have tried to keep my focus on the good things, because I know there is always good in life.
And concentrating on Toxic thoughts does nothing good for me.
So the good things in life is what I will share.. 
Notice key word “Good", if you look hard enough, you will see the Good also. 

We celebrated Jazz’s Sweet 16, we went all out and she was surrounded by many who love her. We appreciate each of you for being there, especially since we lost half the invites and Christmas cards so we don’t know who got what exactly. 

We were able to surprise her with a car also, and she was so excited about that. She got to run her first track me of the year, and it made my heart so happy to see her injury free for the first time of her sophomore year. 

She is taking a Senior college course and kicking butt in all her grades. She just finished performing with her One Act Play Dearly Departed.

 It was a lot of fun to see her on that stage doing her thing. She took her driver’s test and passed it. And now driving all over the place.  This chick is so much fun, and growing too fast for my liking.

Our Twin Fellas are doing amazing and thriving in college. They both were nominated by their College Professors, but Cam was actually selected to attend Higher Education thing held at the State Capital of Oklahoma to represent his school. 

It’s a pretty big deal of course. They are both student Aids to their English Professor and are both in the top of their Acct class. Aaron still works for the radio station on campus and for the Theatre dept. 

They are both going out of their way to cover the College Tuition, and that makes us so proud.
Trav and I always do what we can to support them, and we make a deal with them that as long as they are making the grades to keep the Academic scholarship, and running to keep the Athletic scholarship, and not acting like wild party animals, than we will take care of the rest of their needs. 

Investing in their education for a great career is something all parents should want to do. They are basically half way done, and we look forward to see them be successful in life.

Our Ci is a hard working woman and even though she got annoyed with me for bragging about this, I am going to do it anyways. She is getting to model clothes for her place of employment. You can see her on their Instagram, and we are pretty tickled by it even though it’s not a big deal. Lol She works a lot of hours so we don’t get to see or hear from her as much as we would like, and it’s weird not having her within 15 minutes of our house.
So when she shows up at our casa when the boys are home its always a pleasure.

This being a parent to adult children is so over rated.. (insert eye roll here)  
But, we love having our house full. As some days it is way too quiet. 
So you can imagine my excitement during Spring Break to have all my babies home.
Not Spring Break, but only Picture I have of them together

I am having to adjust to this new season in my life.
 Kind of sitting back and re-evaluating what is important to me, and causes me anxiety.  
With all this new free time I have with Jazz driving herself, I am spending more time on me.
 Just in time for the new weight loss challenge that we started. This time though I did not join Trav’s team, instead I am on my dad’s team. So far we have stayed in 3rd place, and we are very proud of that.

It seems that 2017 is the year of changes in almost every area of my life, and if you know me I don’t do change very well.
Yes, I know it means I have the opportunity to grow, but I enjoy having routine. 
But evidently I am not being asked what I like. Lol

I can see that God is really working on my heart too. 
Opening doors for new relationships, and being ok when people we love don’t feel the same about us.
Even though I cannot imagine why people don’t wanna hang with the Hammetts.?! 
I am having to accept when people say “no” and I am having to learn that I can say NO too, and not feel guilty about it.

Most importantly, we are learning that it is not ok to keep to ourselves, that we were created to have relationships. To have people over and to just love on people. 
To make an effort to reach out to people just to see how they are doing. 
So we are pretty excited about that.
Hopefully we will have many bar-b-ques in our very near future. 
Or enjoying lots of Mexican food with friends. (on our cheat days of course)

Because we were not made to do this journey alone. 
So reach outside your front door. Open your eyes to people who are trying to be a part of your life. Especially on those days you don't feel like it, or down in the dumps. Take your focus off yourself and love on somebody else. 
You may be shocked to notice that you may actually enjoy others company. 

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