Friday, January 8, 2016

Adios 2015! Hola 2016...

Well here we are 2016..
I have seen many people post or blog about how horrible 2015 was for them.
And I look back at my 2015 and we had some heart changing moments for sure, but it was surely the year of many changes for us. I wish I could say that I stayed strong in my faith walk in 2015, but gosh I struggled, I doubted, I pouted and spent a lot of time praying and seeking answers. And thrilled to say that we always were taken care of in many areas, and prayers were answered thru out the year. It was in his timing though, and I am also thankful for unanswered prayers, because I know now that God had better things in store for me and mine.

We had many highlights of course..

Started the year off with Jazzy girl’s surgery, where God showed up over and over reminding us how he takes care of every detail.

My Twin Fellas graduated from High School..

And we dropped them off so they could begin their College life away from home in No Man’s land..
Even though I got much crap from certain people who thought I over reacted with my anxiety on that part. But I finally quit trying to explain how I felt and what I struggled with because honestly it was none of their business.

I am just thrilled that I made it thru those emotions, and now confident that again God is and was in control and is taking great care of my twin fellas. And thankful for my precious friends who would listen to me and just there to encourage me..

Our Ciera graduated from Cosmetology school.. Whoohoo!! 

I got my Honda Accord which is something I have believed for many years.

The lovely changes at the church with my nursery position which taught me how to grow a little but has left me excited and searching for my new purpose and where to go from here…

My friendships have been quite interesting. Where I have prayed and prayed for God to restore certain relationships and instead I was shown why it is ok that some of them are no longer a part of my life. Just by seeing people’s true heart, and I have peace now and love the handful of wonderful friendships in my life. And now I can concentrate on those and love them unconditionally.

We have just really been concentrating on our children and just enjoying traveling to see our Teens run and compete. Treasuring our time with them, before they grow up and move on doing their own thing. I am loving cheering them on in life, and being there for them as they figure out what this crazy life is about..

Trav and I have gotten much alone time together, which I say we are getting those “Honeymoon years” that we missed out on in the beginning since we started off with kids.
We will be celebrating 20 years of marriage this year and so we are talking and seriously looking at our very first cruise!! EEEEK!

And we are super excited with a program that they started at work, where they basically are paying us to get healthy. They paid for a portion of our fit bits, and have many different goals for us to meet. 

Between the fit bit and seeing those horrendous pictures at my Twins graduation, it has motivated me to exercise. Been doing this since July and have lost lots of inches and 30 pounds, even though the last 5 keep coming and going. And was super excited when Trav decided to start working out with me, and he has been doing it for about 3 weeks now and already has lost 10 pounds. We had to make the decision that being overweight is not ok, and it does affect us and our health. 
We want to be able to chase our future grandbabies, I want to be that grandparent that attends all the activities, and shows my support so they never have any doubt  how much they are loved.
 And I desire to run with my Teens. That is a life time goal that I have for myself.
 One day.. One day..

So 2015 was not a horrible year, trying at time yes, but not horrible.. 
But we are thankful for the growth and the changes and very excited at what 2016 has in store for us.
So farewell 2015 and HELLO 2016.. 
Please be kind to us..

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