Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Introducing.... Everyday Spoon

As a momma, my mind goes non- stop about my babies.
No matter the age, I am always wondering
How are they doing?
Do they have enough food?
Are they brushing their teeth?
Are they staying out of trouble?

When the Twins left for college, I may have been a big ole mess. But they are pretty good to me and keep in touch to let me know how they are doing..
Sometimes I even get a daily Pic from Aaron..
Aaron's Daily Picture
The other day, I saw the weather was going to be 40 and rainy at OPSU. So I sent them both a text letting them know, and telling them to keep their ears covered when they went outside so they don’t get sick. Trav laughed so hard at me. But the Twins replied “Yes momma, we will”. 
Now whether they did or not I will never know.

Lately my worry has been, with them finished with their Cross Country Season, even though they still have work outs but no more traveling to different states.
They have some free time after classes. It’s silly for them to get a job right now since they are about to be thru with their semester and home for the Holidays.
So in my mind I am thinking and praying “Lord please keep them out of trouble, help them to make good decisions, and to keep their grades up”.
Needless to say I was so excited when they contacted me because they finally got their Youtube channel up and going.
It has been something they have wanted to do for a few years. SO the guys spend their extra time in the “Recording Studio” and post these videos online.
Recording Studio Time

Even though there are some slip ups (cuss words) when they get into the game. I have really enjoyed watching them and hearing them have such a good time with this. I am not a game person, but I know this is the new thing for people who do enjoy playing.

Everyday Spoon Members

So blog followers let me introduce you to my Twin Fellas and their friends.
 You can find them on Youtube and Twitter under the name “Everyday Spoon”

 Check them out, Like their Page, Retweet and Subscribe to their channel
Here is a link to one of the Videos.

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