Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Answered Prayers

Where I work, we have morning prayer before we start our day. Working with nothing but men, it is usually pretty simple. A morning devotion is read and then someone prays, and we go about our daily duties.
The other morning I really felt in my heart I was supposed to share and pray. And Since its been a while that I have blogged, I figured it was time to share on here too.
Raising kids is expensive. Our children know what it is like to see their parents live paycheck to paycheck. They have everything they need and some, and we give God all the glory for always providing for us. But our children also know what it is like to be told no, we can’t do some of those extras all the time. No fancy vacations, No fancy and name brand clothing. 
Oh how blessed we have been to have understanding, good hearted children. 

We always knew college was going to be expensive. Having twins going to college was going to be tough. So we have always told our kids that good grades are very important, and if you play sports be the best you can be. No half butt effort. Just in case you get noticed and you can play sports at collegiate level. 

We have been strict with grades, sometimes maybe a little too strict. We expected A’s, and so the boys made A’s. Which is why they will graduate in top 10 of their graduating class this June. And we did not allow any quitting in sports, you attend every practice and game, and you never gave bad attitudes to the coaches, even if the coaches were not so nice. When applying for college, filling out the fafsa and all that fun stuff, we were disappointed to be told we did not qualify for any help. According to them, we make enough  money to put both boys thru college. So imagine our frustration when we both work our butts off and live paycheck to paycheck and to find out we don’t qualify. Same thing with college courses at the school, it hurt our boys to where they cannot graduate with Distinguished Honors because we could not afford some extra college courses. I hate to admit that I have had moments where I felt like a failure as a parent. And I know so many other families who are considered middle class, where we make enough money to not be considered poor, but not enough to actually afford certain things. But we have kept the faith, and we just continued to pray for God to provide so our boys can go to college and be successful, and not struggle with money. We want them to experience and accomplish more than what Trav and I have, above and beyond what we could even imagine.  

I am thrilled to let you know the guys applied at Oklahoma Panhandle State University, they were accepted and are being given an Academic Scholarship, and an Athletic Scholarship for running. We also found out that Aaron is being awarded a $5000 scholarship from an insurance company in Decatur, it is called the “Character Counts Scholarship”. We are being blown away with how the money is coming in, and we know more is coming their way. Our guys are really seeing the benefits of the their hard work, and seeing their own prayers being answered.

 It’s a great feeling when your own children tell you “See mom, we told you God would provide for us”..
 Proof that We must be doing something right.. 

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