Thursday, November 6, 2014

Fat Girl Problems...

The other night I dreamt that I was running.. Of course normal people would say “Oh no what were you running from” but my first thought was “Oh my gosh you were able to run!”

If you know me I battle with my weight. A couple of years ago with weight watchers, the doctors help and great work out buddies, I lost quite a bit.
Than something “Devastating and Emotional” happened in my life and I turned back to food and gained it all back. ALL OF IT!

Besides the weight, I struggle with migraines and yes probably TMI, but I also struggled with IBS “Irritable Bowel Syndrome”.
Basically every day from about 12pm to 3pm I went thru sharp constant gas pains (which felt like labor pains) from being constipated to severe diarrhea.
Every… Single… Day..
On the wkends I had to plan around it, so if my friends or family wanted to shop, I would hope they did shopping first before we ate, so I could be home for my bout of IBS. My hubby and kids have had to wait on me at stores or stops at nasty convenient stores, because they knew I would be stuck in the bathroom for hours. It was controlling my life. I saw doctors and had test done, and would just be told, yep you have IBS.
So here I was at 35, taking medication for migraines, Struggling with  IBS and of course the obvious weight problems.

My sis in law Dana, started selling Plexus. She would post about it on FB, and would always share testimonies. Now I am not putting down other people’s products, because I know everyone is different, and what works for me may not work for others. I have tried many different things.  Even the product that rhymes with “Bark” but it never failed that it would trigger a migraine. I wanted to feel better, I wanted to lose weight. And most of all I wanted energy again so I could feel healthy again. And there are so many things out there to try. I even wanted to sport the patch, but I could not afford it.
I came across one of the testimonies on fb that Dana shared. The lady talked about not having IBS anymore.. SO it peaked my interest enough to ask about pricing.
Again, we have 3 kiddos so I did not think we could afford all the products.

Another testimony talked about being free from migraines.. Oh gosh I wanted to experience that feeling.. Migraine are just plain evil..

But it was one post by a lady, who talked about why she quit taking plexus. She was taking some of the products and was feeling great, and thought since she was feeling better, she could get off the products. She listed the way her body responded to getting off the Probio5 and Pink Slim drink. She talked about the stiffness and inflammation in her body that came back. How each morning she was walking like an elderly woman. And she was only in her 40’s. Of course she got back on the products, and will stay on them..

Personally I could relate to stiffness and inflammation she talked about. So I did the deed and ordered the Bio Cleanse and Probio5. First 2 wks I noticed that my tummy was being normal. Yes I could POOP normal..! My hands and ankles were not swollen anymore. And I had a bit of energy.

So than I joined as a member for my $34.95, which gave me a website and now I can get the products at a discounted rate.
So my first purchase under myself was the Pink Drink Slim. Hmm the best way to describe it is watered down cherry kool-aid. I drink it on the way to work each day. And for me it makes me not hungry till about lunch time, and it gives me energy to get thru my day. And I sleep really good, without night sweats!!

SO I take 3 products from Plexus.. And because of those 3 products, I don’t deal with IBS anymore. I have lost 4 pds. The biggest thing is I have not had a migraine in 3 wks! And I am also proud to say, I was able to run at my Boys Cross Country Meet. I mean full on sprint, which I have not been able to do in a couple of years. I feel like “me” again. And I am not one to try and advertise on fb, because I know how annoying that can be. But I have to share with people who may be experiencing issues like I did. That if it worked for me, than why not give it a try too! Get healthy from the inside out!

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