Monday, March 10, 2014

My Passion??

My mind seems to wander a lot more lately since I have gotten off my numbing meds.
Life is constantly playing in my mind.
I overthink everything. Just ask my hubby and kids.
This last couple of weeks my mind seems to be over thinking the passion people have for certain things in life.
 I wonder why I don’t have that passion for certain things like others. For instance people who want to be Missionaries. A friend of mine is going to move her family to the other side of the world. And they are so excited and passionate about it. I personally don’t get it. But I saw it coming. The love for those Nepal kids was in her eyes the moment I saw her on her trip and especially after her trip. I admire that kind of passion. You Go Girl! We will be praying for you and your lovely family!!

Then there are people who are passionate about working out and eating healthy, yes not anywhere close to being Missionaries, but Gosh it takes dedication to do that every single day of your life. They post about it on fb, about working out, about the things they eat. I read about it as I am sipping my Coke and munching on my M&M’s.
Just does not give me the desire to jump up and get on a tread mill..

I know that God puts things on your heart, I know that I have desires to do so many things, but I found myself wondering where in the heck is my passion for “That Something..”!!!

I mean I am a wife and momma, that is what I do. I drive my hubby and kids crazy by over doing it.
By taking care of all those details and wanting everything just right. I am told I expect too much from my kids. I feel bad that others actually think that. But I feel my “job” as a mom is to prepare my kids for “Real Life”.. I don’t want them to leave my house absolutely clueless on how to do certain things. I have babied them in some areas, but I think I keep it pretty healthy. My boys are Juniors this year. When they go to college, you better dang well guarantee that they will know how to take care of themselves and their dorms. They can cook, clean, do laundry etc. And yes, we expect high grades, I know they are capable of being the best.  I feel as long as they know momma is expecting it, then they will always work hard at giving it to me. And so far it has worked.
They all know that half way don’t cut it. They won’t need to depend on anyone for any of those things, and that makes me proud.

Last night, I was pondering that..
I asked God “Is that it? Being a mom and wife is what my passion is?”
Then I woke up this morning, and all that was on my mind and in my heart was babies.. 
For those that know me, know I love me some babies, and you know I get to help with all the nurseries at church. And it occurred to me, why in the world did I doubt that I had a passion for something.? 
 I love what I do at church, I love being able to minister and to love on those itty bitty people.
I love being able to give the mommas at church peace of mind that their babies will be cared for. 
  I love giving my friends on the wkends or during the wk on occasion some alone time when I babysit for them. 
 I do it for my sis in law too. It’s just what I do..
My hubby and kids give me a hard time about this. But you know, it’s my passion.  I am proud of it. 
And I am thankful that God has given it to me..
So I may not be a Missionary, I may not be MS Fitness Queen, but we all are different, and God created us that way. 
My kids may call me the creepy baby lady.. 
But, you can just call me “The Baby Queen”..  HeeHee

P.S. Sorry some pictures are side ways, could not figure out how to turn them around.. 


  1. Absolutely love this & you took the words right out of my mouth! What was I put on this earth to do? Some days I am clueless & feel I am not worthy, but that leaves me to ponder "what is my passion?"

    1. Thank you Whitney! I am sure God has big ideas and plans for you.. What do you enjoy? What are you good at? What do people always tell you that you are good at? It will come to you..


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