Monday, December 2, 2013


On the way to church, a certain group of fellas gave me a hard time for posting things I am thankful for on FB for the month of November.
Evidently it is a beating for some people.
I will admit it kind of hurt my feelings.
Started to feel bad, and even thought I would deactivate my fb for a bit.

Than last night I read a fellow blogger’s blog. She went on and on about bragging about the things she was thankful for. She showed gratitude to many people. When I finished reading her blog, my heart was so happy, and it made me proud that I did take the time all month to post on my FB page..
Kind of like God was giving me a pat on the back and saying “You did Good Amanda”!
You see, my familia and a few close friends had a horrible 2013. It seems that each month there was an attack on myself or someone that I dearly love. I have spent a lot of time on my knees praying, and will even admit sometimes I was begging for prayers to be answered.
Thank God that he never left my side, he walked us thru those storms, and maybe even carried us a few times thru them. But here we are, We Made It! And even though we are still waiting on results this wk, I am at peace that God had it all under control..
So yes, I was one of those who posted each day. Because I know that life can be brutal.
But, I also know that I am truly blessed for who and what I have in life.
Is my life perfect? Heck no, it is far from perfect. But, I have the perfect people in my life, that are worth fighting for to keep in my life. And for that, I am happy and thankful to brag about them. I personally think, that it only makes relationships stronger when people know how much you love them, and are thankful for them.
So brag away!! Life is too precious and there are no guarantees!
And to those certain fellas who gave me a hard time.. I wont mention any names..I am still very thankful for each of you. I love and adore you, even when you drive me crazy. I think You are amazing, funny, good looking and very talented. I thank God for giving you to me. And if I embarress you for my post, than it means I am doing a dang good job at being a momma and wife..

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