Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Because I am MOM and I said So!

One of the greatest joys in life is being a parent, one of the hardest things in life is being a parent.
Not one day goes by that I ever doubt how much I love my 4 children. But I will admit many days I struggle with if I am doing a good job. If I am letting them down, or failing them miserably.
Had a convo with a couple of ladies about dealing with strong willed children. And I said the key word was consistency. And even though there were days that I swear I felt like all I was doing was spanking my kids all day long, or had them in time out corner most of the day, I knew that if I stuck with it, that they would learn that I meant business.
Having 4 kids that were the ages of 12, 4, 4 and 6 months at that time, tested my patience. But because I stood my ground and did lots of praying for patience and wisdom, those kids are now 24, 16, 16 and 12.

And I look at them and think, “I made it” or shall I say “They made it”

But I am noticing some of the concerns and worry never goes away. I spend so much time protecting them and teaching them right from wrong, and just hoping and praying they listen, but what about when they are not under my roof anymore, and this momma has no say or control anymore. ? You see just this last week, we got a phone call from our oldest at 2am, she was hit by a drunk driver. Of course that phone ringing was enough to make this momma’s heart stop. And hearing her voice crying and saying “daddy” made a knot in my tummy form. Thank God he was protecting her, and she was not injured. I know it could have been way worse. Her car needs a pretty good size band aid, but again so thankful she is ok..
Again all I can do is continue to pray…

Than one of my handsome fellas asked to drive me to the store since he knew I could not drive the other day due to meds I was on. And he decided that would be the perfect time to let me know he has pretty much made up his mind to join the Air Force. Now before anyone goes off on me. I know I should be proud, I have very much high respect and honor for anyone who serves our country. I pray for them and the families that are left at home. It’s never been a life style I desired to ever be part of. So pardon me for wanting to be selfish and not share my son with the lovely government and country. But it seems that this momma has to put her big girl panties on and show my son that I will support whatever decision he makes. As long as he promised me, to pray hard and non-stop for guidance and wisdom, and peace. Nothing has been set in stone, nothing signed just yet. But I know, that no matter what I will still always be his biggest and #1 fan..
But, ugh gosh I know that this is an opportunity to grow in many areas for him and me.

Again I say that being a parent is the greatest joy in my life, and being a parent is the hardest thing to do in life.
If only we could rewind time,..

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, I think so many moms can relate to this post. I have felt the very same way. Parenting is my biggest joy and hardest job as well. I can totaly relate to everything in the first few paragraphs. Sometimes it feels like all I do is discipline!

    As far as the Air Force goes, I think most moms feel a mixture of pride and concern when their baby decides to serve their country. I think I would! Praying for wisdom for your fella. I know he will make the right choice.

    So glad Ciera wasn't hurt.

    Great post.


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