Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Facebook Diet...

So you may have not noticed, but I deactivated my FB acct for a while..
My goal was to make it two weeks. And now I am almost into week 4, and pretty proud of such a minor thing.
You see we were celebrating Trav’s 45th b-day at the end of February. When certain people made comments about me being the FB queen. And how they know everything we do, because I put it all on FB. And I have no idea why, but this really embarrassed me. I thought to myself “Well, I will just defriend them if my post annoy them”.. But than the more I thought about it, I had to admit that I have a serious habit. I literally set my alarm for 20 minutes before I get out of bed so I can look thru my FB, and like all my friends post and pictures. I was in “love” with Facebook, because I enjoyed keeping up with family and friends and what they were doing. It made for great conversations, or to be told yeah I know I saw it on FB. Lol

But, I also let FB control my emotions and moods. I would get my feelings hurt when I did not get many “likes” or comments on my post. Or when I did not get tagged in some people’s friendship post. Or when I would see my friends get together and know that I was not invited. So the more I thought about it, the more determined I was to try to go two weeks without it. I took it off my phone so I was not tempted to take a peek. The first week was tough. Lol

I had my phone in my hand and went to look for the app, and remembered I was on a FB Diet. And I was pretty moody about it too.. But what hurt my pride the most, is I had told my hubby that everyone would notice and wonder if I defriended them ,and I would prob get lots of text asking where I went.. Do you know by the 1st week not one person noticed.. OUCH!! Yep, big blow to my ego. But it is also what made me realize that I was not as important on FB as I thought I was..
And after some time away, I am ok with that. I have learned It’s a big distraction, and just gives us ammo to snoop and gossip about what we see. There are lots of negative post, and inappropriate pictures. And it enables people to be ok with staying to themselves and not leaving the house, but still know what everyone else is doing. I have realized, I hear from my family and friends personally more since I have not been on fb, because I actually take the initiative to make personal contact. I get to hear the latest from their mouth,.

Now I admit I still have Instagram, and a Twitter, but it is not nearly as addictive as FB has been for me.

So, I don’t know how much longer I will go without my FB acct. But when I do get back on, I am cleaning up house, and making sure I don’t let FB control my mood and actions. I suggest yall take a bit of break too. It has been oh so good for my mind and soul..

1 comment:

  1. Well, what do you know? I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I didn't notice. If it makes you feel any better nobody notices when I'm not on either! LOL! I thoroughly enjoy our friendship and texting conversations. I hope to see you on FB soon again, but I totally understand how taking a break is good for the mind!


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