Monday, August 20, 2012

What Really Matters...

Learning is part of life.
In the last two weeks, I have been going thru a brutal roller coaster ride..
But, once I spent many hours and days flat on my face praying and just begging for answers.. Being very quiet, staying off my phone, facebook, texting, emailing..
Turning off the outside world.
I realized I lost my focus..
We all seem to get so caught up in the things that really don’t matter.
Whether it is because you got discouraged, or you just gave up.. Or if you are nursing your hurts. But, when you sit back and re-focus on what really matters. On the ONE who is your everything, than the rest of the important stuff falls into place.
God knows all the details, he knows how you felt and how you feel in all those difficult times. And because he loves you, because he has mercy and grace, he can restore those relationships that meant and mean the world to you.
Just keep him first in everything you do.
I was reminded that this crazy little family is oh so very precious to me..
They are what really matters..


  1. Very true Amanda, and with all of the things in the worle that take our focus off of our God and our family we all need to refocus on what is precious and important. Glad you had a chance to see your gifts from God:))

  2. Love it!! This is jazzy by the way


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