Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Daddy's Girls

We all see sweet little quotes about being a daddy’s girl.
That talks about us meeting our prince charming one day..
All the little fairy tales to live happily ever after.
I was always told that we end up marrying a guy that is like our daddy. And that may not be the case for everyone,. But I had the privilege of being a daddy’s girl. So, I admit that some of my hubby’s traits do resemble my dad. Trav is a problem solver. He does what ever it takes to make sure we have everything we could ever want or need. The love and compassion he has for his girls, always bring me so much joy. It has always been his girls, and my boys. Not sure if that is something common in most households or not. 
Of course Trav and I just want our children to be happy in everything they do. Unfortunately, one thing that stinks about being a parent, is watching your babies get heart broken. Because you cannot do anything to help prevent it, just be there for them, and I have stayed on my knees many nights just praying for my kiddos and who God has for them. I will admit, I am not that easy to please. I love all four of my children, and so the momma bear does kind of come out when I see someone mistreating my cubs. And I may never be 100% satisfied with the spouses my kids choose. But my true heart is that they will be happy and loved.
But for my girls, I just want them to always remember how special they are, that they don’t ever allow any man to put them down or break their spirit.
That they should not be out there chasing the fellas, but only be chased by them. 
That this guy, goes out of his way to show her how special she is.
That they are never made to feel degraded, or disrespected.
That he is man enough to show PDA, and never get too comfy to where holding hands and sharing French fries comes to an end.
That when they are with a group of friends, they can look at each other from across the room, and know exactly what thoughts come to mind.
That they both know that marriage is hard, but you have to get up each day and choose to work at it,..
That the couple who prays together, stays together..
That communication is very important.
That he will cheer her on, even when she is having "FAT Days"..
That he is someone who can make them laugh thru those bad days.
That saying “I am sorry” and actually meaning it is a must.
I want my girls to marry someone who see’s how amazing and precious they are,..
 The same way that Trav and I feel about them. And I know in my heart, that God already has someone picked out for them.
I look forward to meeting these Prince Charmings..


  1. Aw, this was so sweet!


  3. Thats cool I hope my girls find guys like that, and my boys will be guys like that


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