Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No Quitters Allowed

As parents, one of the things we have tried to instill in raising our children is NO Quitting Allowed!

From the time the boys signed up for Soccer at the age of 3, till the time they were 14 playing in the last years of our BYA we said “Once you sign up, You finish the season, You don’t get to skip practices or games, even when something fun has come up, cause you are part of a team. And you can not and will not let your team down.” Now trust me, there were many times between the 3 kiddos, that I was fed up or tired of certain situations, that quitting seemed like the best and easiest thing to do, but Trav and I would have a nice, loving discussion (HEEHEE) and agree that if we let them quit now, it will show the kids that when things or people, coaches, team mates get tough or annoying, that they can just quit. This carries on to their daily life. In School, relationships, sports, jobs etc… And we don’t want our kiddos to struggle with any of those things.
The great thing is my fellas are 15 now, and their freshmen year is almost over. And because Trav and I have pushed them to be their best, to give it 110% and never to quit even if they were not very good, they finally have that confidence to be pretty decent in all they do. From making straight A’s to running Cross Country and Track on the Varsity team, and playing basketball. They know that hard work and dedication pays off.

But, have you ever heard the saying, of practice what you preach?! Yeah, I don’t like that saying at all.

If you follow me on Facebook, than you have heard me whining about gaining some weight back.

My sweet innocent daughter informed me recently that my tummy was getting big again, and that I need to get back to working out and counting points.

You see I quit being good and working hard. I know what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off. I know how hard I worked for it. But, once I did not see the pds coming off as easy as they were, and once I could come up with an excuse of why I cant work out alone, I just said “Oh well, I quit!”
Not even thinking of the example I was showing my kids.

Makes me stop and think, if I quit now, and go back into my bad habits, than what right do I really have to tell my kids, that once they stopped seeing improvement they too can quit what they have worked so hard to accomplish this far. No, being a parent does not make you exempt from being a quitter.
Just a little something to share with my fellow parents..

See ya at the track!


  1. Good job, Amanda!! So proud of you!!
    You're in the zone, bay-bee!!!


  2. Good for you! It's the hardest thing to lose weight and the easiest thing to gain it back. Thanks for not taking the easy way!!!


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