Wednesday, April 18, 2012

They are WATCHING!!

Please keep your focus, as I let my mind explain what my thoughts have been lately...
A few months back, I heard a teaching that was taught on attitude. He made the comment on how our children act. He said that he looks at parents when they say “Gosh, I don’t know why my kid whines soooo much, it just drives meeee crazy!” And he wants to tell that parent, “umm I wonder where they get it from, hmm?” It kind of made me giggle, but than reminded me that these little people watch our every move. And they grow up to act like us, and pick up certain habits. Uh Oh!

My last blog I talked about my son, who got so down on himself, because he did not beat his personal best at the two mile at District. *(He did make his personal best at the 1 mile at District that following Thursday Toot Toot!!) Anyways, one of my dear honest friends commented about how he is acting like me with a low self esteem. Yeah that was an OUCH, but she is speaking truth. And I love her for that! I love my children; I am sure if you are a mom you love your babies and would do anything for them. Well, I am learning “THAT SOMETHING” has to include the way we act, talk and especially the way we treat people. If you lose your temper, cuss, gossip, lie or back out on plans you have made, than your kids will see that, and think it is ok to do too! If you put yourself down and constantly whine and complain, but don’t do anything to make it better, than your kids will do the same. I personally don’t want my kids to have the struggles I have had in life. I am far from perfect, but I don’t think it is ever too late to make changes NOW!

Those Little People that call you MOM and DAD, are watching and listening…

This morning on the way to work, I was annoyed with the way my kiddos had been acting the last couple of days, just fighting with each other, and complaining about their bodies. (Yes, I know, I know) Anyways, we were listening to the radio, about a young fella who just received a double lung transplant; they said before the transplant, that he could only say a couple of words before he had to gasp for his next breath.
He will be 15 next month. I turned the radio down, and I told the kids they really needed to realize just how blessed they are.
To be healthy enough to run the way they do and to not worry if they were going to be able to breath. They both just shook their head,..
It is stories like that, that have me Thanking God daily for healthy children. AND Thanking God for Amazing Medical Discoveries..

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