Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Lord Giveth, and The Lord Taketh Away..Part 1

This blog has been difficult to write, I have been working on it for days, but have stopped many times. But it got really long, so I am going to break it up into parts..So bare with me, cause it seems I have so much to share..
My December 6th post was about how much longer would my grandpa have to suffer before he was taken home to heaven where he would receive his healing. Well, that question was answered.
The doctor called the family meeting, and HE decided that he wanted to continue to cut on my gpa to give him the best chance to live. So they took my gpa's leg up to his knee, and the bypass they did on the other leg was actually looking pretty good. But, just in a matter of 3 days, things went down hill, and it went fast.
We got the call on a Tuesday morning, from my gma who was freaking out, cause my gpa was being moved to ICU, cause he could not breath. And was in so much pain. We all went up there, my parents went to talk with the dr, and I sat with my gma. She was crying, and I held her hand, and asked her, what she wanted. I asked her how she wanted me to pray. She shook her head, and she said that she loves my gpa, but he is in so much pain, and has a nasty cough, and she knows that him going to heaven is what is best..
So, that is what we prayed. I asked God to take him home, I asked God to give my gma strength, and courage, and peace. And I asked God to hold our family in his arms, cause we have never experienced a loss like this before..
So, my little brother and I walked in to ICU to see him, and all we heard and saw was his gasping and gagging for air, and the fear in his eyes. We both lost it. My brother ran out of the room, I stayed there, and watched him to help him not be scared. He was uncovered,so I saw how skinny he was, and saw where his leg was gone. I watched as the nurse put a suction tube down his throat to help him not to gag and choke so much. But than, I too ran out of the room, and fell apart. I just could not believe this was happening to him. I had many questions for God. But, all I did was beg and pray that he would take him home, and take him home NOW!
They called all the specialist, the heart dr, the lung dr, and they all had the same diagnosis. My gpa had gotten pneumonia in his lung, and his heart was weak, and the gang grene was spreading, and the bypass in his leg was failing. There was nothing more they could do, but make him comfortable. So they pumped him full of pain meds, and my gpa slept...

1 comment:

  1. Your grandpa was a brave man and fought hard during his ordeal. I'm so glad he is now in Heaven and no longer in pain.



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