Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thankful post day 5 "Bonnie"

Today, I am thankful for my friend Bonnie..
Everyone knows Bonnie!
She is loud, outgoing, the real deal of what you see is what you get.
No games! No drama! 

 If she knows you, she will go out of her way to acknowledge you. And boy, don’t you dare ignore her. It don’t matter if you are having a bad day, because she will call you out! Lol She is the one that will yell across the parking lot or grocery store, or even better, the restaurant just to say “hello”!
Ohh, and her laugh! Gotta love her laugh! My kids and husband get a kick out of her. They know, if we are out and about, and if they see Bonnie, that we will be there for a while, cause her and I are going to talk and act like we have not seen each other in years.! Did I mention she is a perfect match for my husband?! Hee Hee It is just an ongoing joke, because she has the same personality as Trav, and watches the same corny shows as him.

I met Bonnie the year our “now freshmen” started kindergarten. I was the room mom, and she was always so helpful to provide stuff for parties.
Bonnie is an amazing mom, wife, daughter and friend. She has a huge heart, and is so dependable. I chose to write about her today, because I have spent many years watching her. The way she treats people, always ministers to me. She shows no signs of fearing rejection. She will walk up to a complete stranger, and find something to compliment them about. Many times, when I have been in the middle of talking to her, she will stop me just to let me know I look pretty, or that my hair looks great, or how she loves my earrings. She inspires me to step outside my bubble, and to be a better person.
 So, thank you Bonnie. For being so good to me. For being there to answer the phone after midnight to listen to me cry, cause I got hurt or discouraged.

For always, knowing when it was the right time to be honest with me, or just being that shoulder to cry on. For always having something encouraging to say, and for being my cheerleader in life!

I thank God for sending me such a sweet friend..

1 comment:

  1. You are way too kind, Amanda. It's me thats blessed to have such an awesome friend as you. Thank you for your sweet comments. You have taught me so much about friendship over the years too. I love you.

    Bon didnt post my 'hot' pic! LOL ;0}


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