Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thankful Post "Crystil"

Meet my drop dead gorgeous friend Crystil..

As I have mentioned before, my family has been attending the same church for over 6 years now. Being the amazingly outgoing person that I am, (yes, that was sarcasm) I did not make friends right away. I like to say, I am more a people watcher, which in translation means, I thought I was too good to greet people, they were supposed to greet me. I am growing; I am growing outside my safety
Back to my friend Crystil. She always has a lovely smile on her face. When she would see me, she always smiled, and I would look at her, and think, “I can not like you sweetie, you are too pretty!” I am being so serious with my thoughts. Yes, I was a mess.! Anyways, year after year, Crystil would always smile and say hello to me. I would smile back, but that was as far as it would go. Than, God stepped in, and one day I was working in the nursery, and guess who I get to work with?! Yep that hottie Crystil, smile and all.

She was even nicer in person,!! I was doomed! I had no choice but to really like her! We got to talking, and her kindness just ministered so much to me. Crystil was the first official friend that I made at church. We do dinner dates now, and we talk and smile at each other at church, and I am so thrilled that I can call her my friend.
Crystil, is so down to earth, transparent, and she loves to share her life lessons. She is a wonderful mommy of two handsome fellas, and she has quite the hottie for a husband too. I have had the honor of meeting and working with her parents and sisters, and I have already asked them if they could adopt me, because they have so much love for each other and so much fun!

So Crystil, I am very thankful that you were so kind to me from the beginning. Because of you, I have let my guard down, and am meeting new people at church. Your kindness, and the stories you have shared during announcements, ministered to me, more than you will ever know. Thank you for being a sweet friend to me, and I look forward to many dinners, and laughs with you!


  1. Everything you say about her is true! Great blog!! :)

  2. you're blessed with so many wonderful folks in your life, Amanda.



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