Thursday, October 27, 2011


Yep! I am soooo going there! I try my best to be a private person. But those close to me, know that I am an open book with some things. I can make many blush, but mostly they just laugh out loud at my brutal honesty! Some get pissy with me, and want to judge me as too young and clueless. To each their own I guess.
It seems there are certain things in my family's genes that we are very passionate about..Let's call it "LAUNDRY"!
Lots and lots of LAUNDRY!
It has come to my attention, that I have lots of ladies in my life who have "issues" in this area. It seems in the old days, it was always the men who complained about not getting to do the "LAUNDRY" as often. But, it seems that in this generation, I am running into many married women who are doing the complaining. It seems as if, these married men who have been married for 10 plus years, have gotten comfy. Or shall I say "LAZY"! I have heard the saying, that men treat life like hunting. They go out of their way to track and hunt what they are looking for, but once they get it, they hang it up on the wall for a trophy! They figure, ok I got it, I am the man! Whoohoo!

Now don't get me wrong. I know some women can really make you not want to do "LAUNDRY".. Especially if all they do is nag you, or whine and complain. So women, if you are doing that, than STOP IT! We all want to feel appreciated, we all want attention. I heard from a Pastor once that, when we get married, the husband and wife, are both babies..They go wah! wah! I want this, I need this, ME! ME! ME! and than we end up fighting cause we both want the same thing, but we are only thinking of ourselves! But, when you were dating, you would go out of your way for that person. You would bathe, and shave, and put the smell good stuff on. You would buy cards, and flowers, and hold the door open. And for most, you would be really active in the "LAUNDRY" area. Ask yourself, do you still do those things? If not, why not? Cause you got lazy! But fellas, nothing has changed. Yes, you are married, you have a nice trophy, but take her off that shelf, and show her how proud you are of her so you can keep her!

Now for the ladies out there, that like to hold the "NO LAUNDRY" from their spouses to get what they want. Shame on you! We all forget that God intended us to enjoy this activity. When you got married, you gave your body to your spouse! So, don't you dare turn them down. Take you some IB Profen, take you a nap, do what ever you have to, but you better give that man some "LAUNDRY"!! It is something "precious" "beautiful" and a way we can connect with each other, that we can't do with anyone else. God wants us married people, to do lots and lots of "LAUNDRY"! Not to mention, it is great for your health, and helps you to lose weight, cause of the calories you burn.

We have 4 children, they keep us busy! I have found, that my life revolves around my children. And I will admit, I may have neglected showing my husband some attention, and he has done the same.. Cause it was all about our babies. Ohh, but married mommas and daddies, those babies grow up, and they will leave you. And than you are going to look at your spouse, and think "Who the heck are you, and when did you get here?!" So, don't allow your spouse to become a stranger.

So here are some tips, free of charge!

*Each day, when you greet your spouse, lay a big ole kiss on them. I mean hard core, passionate kiss, that will make your kids go "EWE, nasty mom and dad"! (By the way, it is great for your children to see that kind of affection between their parents, it gives them security)

*Write each other a love note, for them to find on occasion thru out the day.

*Go out on dates! HUSBANDS! Let's just avoid the "What do you want to eat? Oh I don't care, what do you want to eat?" Do all the work, find a sitter, look up the movie, look up your wife's favorite eating place, take a shower, and put the good smelling stuff on, and treat your wife to a nice date! Lots, of door opening, and hand holding, and just give her your 100% attention! I promise you will reap the benefits!

*For the busy moms and dads, who have kids involved in football, basketball, cheerleading, softball etc.. Come to an agreement, that on a certain day or night, no matter how tired you are, that you will do the "LAUNDRY".. So every Wednesday, you can expect it. I promise, that you will find yourself looking forward to every Wednesday! And who knows, you may make it happen on Wednesday and Friday each week!

*Bring home flowers or send them to her work just because!

*If you know what her favorite drink is, stop by the convenient store and pick one up for her.

*Give her a call at work, and see how her day is going!
*Pray for her! Ask God to show you how to love her the way SHE wants to be loved.

*When you walk by her, touch her. And I mean more than the slap on the butt fellas!

*Don't be a fuddy dud! If yall are making dinner, turn on the radio, and grab her and start dancing!

*Turn off that darn TV, and show your spouse some attention. I promise that when you DVR your favorite show, it wont be any different when you watch it later!

*Another thing I heard from a pastor is.. If you are not keeping your pasture mowed and green.. Someone will notice, and will be more than willing to come mow it for you..

Ok, that is all I got!..

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done, fellow blogger! I hope the men are reading!


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