Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Goofy days..

Hello everyone. Follow along..
*Whew, this heat is something else. I think we are getting a cold front on Friday, high is supposed to be 92, we are pretty messed up when we call that a cold front.
*Finally went to Sam Moon for the 1st time. Loved that place, but my husband called it female hell. It was pretty crazy, but the ladies were kind if they ran you over. lol I got a purse and some sun glasses for under 30 bucks!
*I miss my long hair. But the picture reminds me of how Romo is officially single now. Maybe he can give 100% to the team now.
*There is never a dull moment in my house. As you can tell from the pictures my kiddos keep me laughing.
*I really do feel bad for the parents who are divorced and have to miss a month at a time with their kiddos. I think I would go crazy if I had to do that. My boys have trouble every summer inviting their friends over, cause they are at the "dads" house for the month. Bummer.
*Even though I am the biggest violator if this, I find it some how amusing, how soon we jump to conclusions about how someone has treated us. Communication is very important in every relationship. I have found so many times, the other person really had no clue where I got my idea from. I think this just shows my brain thinks too much.
*Still reading the book "Hello my name is God" and learning allot. One of the things, is how we treat people shows what's in our heart. And that God gives us mercy. And we should do the same to people, especially family and friends. Cause holding on to bitterness and resentment will hurt you more than you think.
*I am so ready for vacation. Only 23 days and counting..
*And the big 30 is only 22 days away! So excited.

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