Monday, January 5, 2015

My 2015 Catch Up Post

Here we are 2015!! Life has been extremely busy and so as you may have noticed I have neglected my blog followers.. So let me play catch up and give you the highlights since the last blog..

Aaron's Letter

Cameron's Letter
         My Handsome Twin Fellas have been Accepted at Texas Lutheran University. They were given the Presidential Academics Scholarship. And the Cross Country Coach has contacted them and wants them to join the team. We get to tour the place next week and talk with the admissions office and coach to see if this is where they for sure want to go. Yes, this momma is very excited and proud of my fellas, but 4 hours and 20 minutes away is breaking my heart. But I know this will be great for them, and I have accepted that. Almost.. Keep them in your prayers for guidance.

    My Ciera graduates from Cosmetology School this week. She has to go to school for a little bit longer and then take the big state test. SO prayers for her to pass with flying colors. We are proud of her, and look forward to what the future holds. So if you need to get your hair did, hit Ciera up. Of course I am loving being a Nana to Our Princess and believing that a proposal is in the very near future.. Hint Hint Vijay..

   My Baby girl turns 14 tomorrow.  I am still in denial that this is even possible. Some days I look at her and still see that precious little toddler following my every move, but lately I look at her and see this young beautiful woman who has  huge heart and is a go-getter.
 I pray daily for the relationships she has in her life. That God surrounds her with real friends, and that she always shows compassion and love in return. She has been in pain for so long with her knee, and has missed basketball season so far. She had also been sick with the crud, and our doctor gave her a stronger allergy med, and the crazy thing is this med has helped her knee pain. We don’t understand it, but sure is nice to see her without the darn knee brace.

      The hubby and I celebrated 18 Looooong Years of marriage in November. I bought him a nice fancy TV for the bedroom and he just decided staying with me longer was a big gift enough.. lol I am thankful for him. We are loving having him home every single night, and thrilled at how he has been able to attend all the kids activities. We are enjoying the alone time we seem to be getting a lot of lately too. But he is preparing for the big melt down when my fellas leave me in 6 months. He said something about getting a hotel and living alone. Not really sure why, since I will be leaving with the boys to Sequin Texas..

   We went to watch the Boyd football team play in the playoffs, and since it was half way to Lubbock I called up my real dad to meet us. I had not talked to him in almost 2 years. I was pissed at him for being so drunk at my Grandpa’s funeral. Of course He was thrilled and met us there at the game. I got to visit with him for about an hour while he was sober before he left and had a few thousand drinks. He came back to the game and almost fell on one of our friends in the bleachers. I was quickly reminded why I don’t get to see him very often, and why I despise the smell of beer. Needless to say we left the game early, and came home. But you know, God has been dealing with me about being bitter and holding grudges against people who have hurt me. And after that visit I drove home with a heavy heart. But I realized that him rejecting me most of my life, had nothing to with me, but his addiction to alcohol. We all deal differently with life. Unfortunately my real dad chooses alcohol to cope. I love him, and happy I got to see him. But thrilled he lives 4 hours away.

That about catches everyone up on Life with The Hammetts. Its basketball season so we spend a lot of time cheering on the Boys Varsity team, and really just enjoying family time and dinners with our friends.

I am excited about the opportunities that are coming up in 2015. I have never been a big New Year’s Resolution person. But this year I am trying to slow things down and enjoying the “Right Now” moments in life. My babies are all growing up and soon it will just be Trav and I at the casa. But my goal for the year is to make a better effort at being a good friend to the Women in my life. Take time to send “just because” cards and do more invites to dinner. SO ladies keep your phones handy, I am going to be calling on you. 

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