How many times have you ever said "Why God" "When God" "Please God"!
How many times have you ever doubted that God actually had a plan for you?!
Oh, I am thinking we all have been there before. I have lost count of how many times I have asked that. But, one thing for sure is, it has always worked out for me and my family and friends. We seem to look back now, and laugh at the fact that we ever questioned that we were not part of some big plan.
All my life, I grew up in a church. When I was little, my grandma would take me, she would even get me to get on stage and sing! I loved to sing and still love to sing. I thought for sure God was going to use me to be a rock star! When I became a teen, my brothers and I were part of a small church, and as teens my older brother and I would get in a van every Saturday morning and go door to door, inviting little kids to church. Sunday mornings, we would get on our big ole bus that our youth directors drove, and we would pick up all those little kids. And I got to lead songs and show silly moves, oh how the little kids loved it.
Than, life started. I became a wife and mommy, or shall I say mommy than a wife! hee.hee even though I did not make wise choices, I wanted my children to grow up in a church also. So my husband and I joined a church that I had attended when I was growing up. I got involved in the toddler class. I even joined the choir. We were there for about 5 years, before I got a new job. I loved the place I was working. The only problem was, I was learning and growing more spiritually at work, than I was at our church. We prayed and prayed, and we were quite sad, when we knew we needed to find a new church home. So I am sure my attitude was not pretty. But, I sucked it up! Kind of! Well, not really!
So we visited a couple of churches. My friend Paula, invited me to a church in Decatur. The very first visit, I was overwhelmed. This Pastor was good. I was in tears! I went back a couple more times, and every message ministered to me. I would raise my hand at the end of each service, and I am sure this pastor thought I was really messed up! At the time Trav worked horrible hours. SO, it was just me and my kids going to church each Sunday. We attended for a good year, before I got over my self going alone, and decided to join this church. Right away, I started teaching Sunday School with the 4 & 5 year olds. Oh how I loved all these little kids. But, being the complete opposite of my husband, him being the social butterfly. I really struggled with getting outside of my comfort zone and making new friends. I would go to church, teach Sunday school, listen to the message, and go home. I really was unhappy, and just would ask God if he was sure this is where I was supposed to be. Cause these people were just not friendly! Cause in my eyes, it was the people, not me! lol But the messages ministered to me each Sunday, so I knew this is where he wanted us. Not to mention, Trav started attending church, and we both were growing in so many ways! And my little kids were loving church!
Around that time, we got new youth pastors. These young people were from Florida! I was thinking "seriously God, you could not find older people from Texas to bring to our church, I mean come on, my boys are about to be teens! " So, being the amazing sweet, outgoing person that I am, I decided to kind of sit back and watch these new people. I made my mind up, that I was not going to like them at all! I am sure that made God so proud of me! I finally met these people. James and Karin, I learned right away, that one of their boys was going to be in my Sunday school class. He of course was a cutie. He told some amazing and funny stories! Now his dad, was annoyingly full of energy and on fire for God. When he preached, he would walk back and forth, and I would get a headache from following him! And he always had this huge smile on his face. I have to admit, I really disliked happy people like that! Here I am at this church going on my second year! Have not made any friends! And this guy, with the big smile wins everyone over just like that! Oh don't get me started on his wife! She was always so kind and sweet to me. She would go out of her way, to say hello and ask me how I am doing! I even went to dinner with her! Do you see how hard it was on me, to stay with my original plan to not like them!? And than it happens! My oldest hated our new church! It was a fight to get her to even go on most days, but she went. James and Karin take Ciera under their wing, and she starts babysitting for them. They all become great friends, and Ciera starts changing and loving church! How dare these people!
Oh it gets worse! They bring their best friends from Florida down here too! Of course Karin's best friend is just as sweet! This friend of all things reaches out to ME! She asked me to help in the nursery. So of course, in case you don't know. I LOVE babies! I start meeting new people, I step outside my bubble, and make friends! This James guy, would stop and talk to me, and put my Romo down, and he started making it hard on me to still not like him! Karin, had already won my heart. I just loved her, and her kindness always ministered so much love to me! So, I am finally feeling part of something. I realize my heart and attitude were not what God wanted for me, and so slowly I begin to change. A couple years go by, and I am feeling like I finally belong. That my family is where we are supposed to be. My Pastor was still preaching amazing messages. My boys had great youth pastors. Everything was going wonderful! Than of course, my world falls apart again! Our Pastors, decide that it is time to follow another path in his life. And they leave! OH, and Pastor James and Karin are going to be the new lead Pastors! SERIOUSLY God!!
I spend weeks, praying and crying. I spent time on the phone crying to my friend. Saying this must be it. Time for me to go to a different church, cause we stayed cause of our Pastor. I was so stinking mad, that God was telling me this is where I am supposed to be. I asked all the questions, why, what, are you sure?! So, I put my big girl pants on, and kept on going. And each Sunday, the messages were great! Karin was still stopping and talking to me, her friend was still oh so sweet to me. I was meeting new people, and going on dinner dates with them. I was loving it! Than, I find out Pastor James was going to have Wednesday night services. I really wanted to hear his teaching, so I convinced myself, that if I got there right when service started, and stayed in the bathroom, I would not have to sit alone for long. And could hear the service, than grab the kids and get out of there! I had a plan! But than my kids ruined my plan, because they wanted to get to church early, darn kids! I would tell my friend over the phone, how I know God wants me there to listen to these messages, but I hate sitting alone! She would tell me to just do it, to step out of my bubble! So, I did. I was so nervous. I did not sit in the bathroom, I picked my seat, and of all the people., guess who came and sat in front of me and talked! Yep, Karin. I swear, God was showing me so much love when he sent Karin to our church! Than of all things, Wednesday night services became my favorite! It was like a more one on one with Pastor James. And guess what he starts preaching on, "Change of Heart"! I finally gave in, I put my white flag up, and said "You win!"
I fell madly in love with our new Pastors!
This passed Sunday, we had Pastor Appreciation day!. They played some sweet video's and we all got to give sweet cards, and just shower them with love. It was very emotional, especially when a grown man get's to crying. He also gave an amazing message, which ministered to Travis and I. That night, I thought about everything that I have questioned God about. All the prayers and tears, and fears that I had. How, if I had given up, and let my bad attitude determine what to do, I would of missed out on so much. I found myself thanking God, for sending such amazing pastors to Decatur Texas, even if they are from Florida and don't cheer on my Dallas Cowboys! So, I type this long blog to say. That God has a plan. He loves us so much, that he gives us his very best! His very best for me and my family and our church home, was Pastor James and Karin,. Because of them, my family loves church! Because of them, we are reaching out, and showing God's love to other people. Because of them, I am a better person, and learning to be confident in myself. Because of them, new opportunities to follow the desires of my heart are popping up. Because of them, many people in Wise County are going to experience God's love.
So thank you Pastor James and Karin. For being obedient, and packing your family up and moving to Texas. For preaching the word, and living what you preach. For being so open, and honest, and never making us feel like we are beneath you. For making us, laugh, cry, and grow to be better people. Most of all, for Loving me and my family. And making us feel like we are part of something so amazing!