Thursday, October 20, 2011

Babies, Babies, Babies...

Yes I just am in love with Babies.. I always have been and I am thinking I always will be. My mom said that from the time I was little, I always would carry two baby dolls around all the time, and would tell her I was going to have twins! Guess what! I had twins! Only they are not itty bitty babies anymore. I really think God gives us things in our heart that we are passionate about. I love being a mommy! If we could afford to support them, I would of had 6 kiddos. I am sure my husband is relieved that we did not have 6 of them though.! But since I cannot have anymore, God showed me a way to still enjoy the desires of my heart he gave me. For the last 3 years at our church I have been working in the nursery, with the itty bitty babies. When I started in there, we had a baby boom. I swear everyone that was on the worship team was pg, I made sure to stay off that stage for sure! hee.hee It was just perfect timing for me, cause we had about 6 babies. Most were girls, and just one little boy. What a sweet blessing it was for me to be able to spend my time holding, singing, talking and praying over these precious little people. On September the 1st I got a new position at our church. I am now the head teacher,! It is making me get out of my safe bubble and reach out and get to know the other ladies who help in the nursery and toddler class. And even all the parents! I am having to learn that guess what?! Life really does not revolve around just me after all! WHAT!! Yes, I know a big shocker for everyone! I am super excited about this new position, but was thrilled that I still get my itty bitty baby time. Cause guess what, we are having another baby boom! And I have to brag, that our church members sure have the prettiest little babies EVER!

Drum roll please!! I am so thrilled to tell everyone that my baby brother and his wife are having a baby boy! This will be child number 3 for them. I already love this little fella so much, and cannot wait to hold him and love on him. We are having Bri's shower this wkend. How exciting is it, that we can be surrounded by friends and family to celebrate such a precious blessing that God has given us. And I have to say, I love my sister in law. She is a great mommy and she takes very good care of my baby brother. I am ever so grateful that she is making me a nana again. Also, super proud of my baby brother for being such a great daddy. Guess all those years of making him play dolls with me paid off!
And last but definitely not least. I mentioned in a previous blog about new friends. We have met a sweet family, and shortly after we became friends, we found out she was expecting! Of course you can imagine my excitement, cause if I have not mentioned before. I LOVE babies! This friend had the best pregnancy ever! She walked a mile each night till the very end of her pregnancy. I am talking, even in the 180 degree heat we had this summer. A friend of mine and muah begged and begged her to let us give her a baby shower. She finally gave in to us, and so we planned a very nice and simple shower. Than I begged again for her to let me be there when the baby arrived. She gave in again. So on September the 29th I got to meet Little Gracie. Ohh, I fell in love. I now call myself her very own "Clothes Fairy".. I am having a blast buying her the cutest clothes and holding her and just loving on her. She is my new little favorite buddy.
Some people think I am crazy!  My kids make fun of me cause, when I see a baby I start to smile. They bring me JOY! So, maybe I am that creepy lady. But I just know that itty bitty babies are a special gift from God, and they are so easy to please. All they want is to have a clean diaper, to be fed, to be held, and to be loved. I sure don't mind being the one to do that!
Now, if I only I could find that special someone who loves teens..hmm

Welcome to My Life..