Friday, October 30, 2009

October is gone..

Hello All, just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for the comments. I am learning that I have quite a few readers, and that really excites me. So keep them coming..

October is almost gone, can you believe it? It was a busy month for my boys, for Cross Country. And at District Aaron was one runner away from placing 15th in District, he was number 16th, and they gave medals for 1 thru 15th place. He still beat all his previous times and finished at 14.06, and Cameron fell at the start of the race, but still managed to beat all his times and finish at 14.26. I am very proud of them. Football season will be finishing up for them next week, and even though they both made some great plays, I am ready for basketball. =0)
Was listening to the radio this morning, and I guess one of the contestants on the biggest Loser was a guest on the radio show, and she told her heart breaking story about how her husband, daughter and newborn son, were all killed in this tragic accident. And oh my goodness, I was in tears. How anyone can overcome anything like that, must be a God thing. I don't think I could crawl out of bed ever again..
Which brings me to one of my Biggest Pet Peeves..Drinking and Driving..My husband has put in alot of hours at work, and is now on a 6 day work week. They were just put on a schedule to where they have to cover the wkends from now on. And one of the guys he works with, has had 3 DWI, has the breathing tube thing to start his car. Well, when they checked his machine, they found that he had tried to start it while intoxicated, so they are making him do 45 days in jail. Which he has to serve on the wkends. (kind of like a slap in the wrist)..Anyways, my husband did not get to watch the Cowboys Game, which if yall know him, that is a big deal. So when this guy came to work on Monday, after serving time in jail, he asked my husband "Man, did you see that Cowboys Game!"? I think my husband took every thing he had to not beat the guy down..ha,ha But think about that people..This guy has been caught drinking and driving 3 times, and tried to drive while intoxicated again, and gets 45 days in jail, and gets to check in on the wkends and sleep, read a book and watch the freaking game! tell me how that is teaching him a lesson. And what is it going to take before they put him away,?? We all know the answer to that, he will have to kill some innocent family or someones child before they so something. And it drives me crazy..Pretty sad, huh?
We need to agree and pray for the laws to get tighter on that. One warning maybe, but 4, NO I don't think so..

Welcome to My Life..