Last night as I was losing feeling in my fingers and kept wiping my
nose from drip age because it was so darn cold, I kept going back and forth in
my head which season I disliked the most Track Season or Cross Country Season..
Don’t get me wrong, I love love love watching my kids run, but gosh it is a
long day and absolutely miserable if it is too hot or too cold.. But I can
gripe as much as I want, I still will be there cheering them on..
After my rant on fb the other day about boys being boring for prom,
I am happy to say that not only is my Cameron going with a date, but they
agreed to take pictures where I wanted.. whoohoo!
I am getting a sweet taste of what it will be like to have
And one thing is I am losing my desire to have more children of
my own, because this Nana thing is so much sweeter.. Heehee
Trav is loving his new job, it is amazing how much a person’s
entire outlook and attitude on life changes when he is working somewhere that
brings him joy. No more long drive to DFW in traffic, and no more on call 24
hours a day and getting those 2 am phone calls because his co-workers were
clueless on how to do trouble shoot on their own..
My boys are 17.. Let me say that again.. My boys are 17!!!! Nope I
still cringe when I say that out loud.. sigh
My baby girl made the Cheer leading Squad for 8th grade.
We are so proud of her.. Cookie Dough sales coming soon.
Had some blood test and MRI on my cabeza, good news is there were
no blockages or tumors..
Bad news is I have migraines more frequently and no known cause.. Boo
We bought a Jetta for those boys of ours. It reminds me of how
nervous I used to be when Ciera started driving on her own.. We gave it to them the day before their birthday. We surprised them
after the track meet, it was so exciting and I was so emotional. Have to say that Jazz and I
have too much room in the SUV, so I am thinking a Audi Convertible in our near
Trav and I have been using the snow ball thingie on paying off
debt. I am happy to say that in the last 5 months we have paid off 4 major
bills. Woot Woot
Did I mention my twin fellas turned 17?! We decided no party this
year since we had the big bang for the 16th birthday. But what was
supposed to be having a couple of friends turned into having a house full..
Which brought me pure joy that the boys have some good friends like that. Making
memories that will last a life time..
Things are awesome. I Love You Honey!