Tony Romo! My most favorite quarterback EVER! I am a Dallas Cowboys fan! I always have been, and plan to always be one. I just love football. Growing up we always played football, it was me "the only girl" with my two brothers, and uncles and dad. Of course I would get hurt, running my face into a barb wire fence and would be begged not to go tell my mom.! I was also the one that stayed up with my dad and watched the Cowboys play. I also remember attending Super Bowl parties at our church youth group, and getting so excited when they were doing really well. Of course my passion for the Dallas Cowboys grew when I married my husband who was an even bigger Cowboys fan, and got to attend some Cowboys football games! I was in awe of every game we got to attend.
Yeah, we had our favorites! Emmit Smith, Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin, Deon Sanders,. I remember the head coaches, like Johnson, Switzer, Campo, Parcells, and even poor Wade Phillips! But I have to admit I am really enjoying Jason Garrett!
I get a lot of crap for thinking that Tony Romo is amazing. Of course most of these people think, I am just a clueless female that likes Romo cause of his great smile and dimples, and even though I do like those features. (wink, wink) I personally think he is a great player! I do remember the game when he went in for Drew the loser Bledsoe, who was way better than good ole Vinny! Yes, I know! He does mess up when the game is very important, I am sure he knows this! But when he interviews, and these reporters and haters are asking him about him "choking" and pointing out his faults. He still has that smile. He says it over and over that he loves the game of football, and how he knows how lucky he is to be able to play something that he loves so much. He is only about one year older than me, and for me to think about playing something like that and to get paid for that! Would be amazing. He knows how blessed he is! And even though, people all over Texas, call him names. They write all over their face book, and twitter, it is all over the news. People reminding him of every mistake he made. How disappointed they are in him. They blame him for losing the game, cause evidently the offensive line don't need to protect him. He still goes out there, with his smile on, and plays the game he is passionate about. So, yes, I do admire him for that.
Think about it, think about your daily life, how many mistakes you have made. How crappy you must feel, when you know you let someone down. How would you feel, if your mistakes were broadcasted all over the news, and face book!? "This is Channel 4 news, and today Amanda made a mistake on her check book, and now she cannot afford to put gas in her car, or buy the school pictures for her kids!" How about we go ahead and follow you around with a camera, and we replay your screw up, over and over,! Oh yeah, I think that would totally stink! Now ask me, if I would get up and do it all over again, with a smile on my face?! Umm heck no! I would tell everyone to kiss off! I am sure many people would feel the same way! Ohh but not Tony Romo! Of course people have to throw in, how much money he makes, and how if you made that much money, you would still go out there! Oh come on now! Seriously! Just admit it already! You may go out there and play, but your attitude would stink, and you sure would not be smiling. And let's not forget how many people are telling them to "fire Romo!".. Gee people, are you really that good at your job? Do you give the company you work for 100% each day, and make zero mistakes.? Are you never late, and never surf the web, when you are supposed to working? Yeah, I am thinking not! So, yeah I know these are things we are passionate about. And it makes some people feel better, to point out everyone else's faults. But remember these professional sports players are human just like us. So give my Romo a break! Or better yet, support your team, and stay a real fan, win or lose.!
That's all I got,..
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